
Prepping for a TrueCoreTM Care Plan

TrueCoreTM is a prescription only system to reset facet tracking, increase segmental movement and neurological coordination, and normalize visceral and muscle over facilitation through ocular driven segmental muscle activation.

TrueCoreTM Stabilization – Controlling the Unstable Facet Joint

SRA TrueCoreTM spinal stabilization exercises focus on intersegmental strength first, not multi-segmental or multi-regional muscle strength. Intersegmental strength focuses on four key muscles of the spine that are half muscle fibers and half mechanoreceptors. They are so small that they cannot actually move one vertebra in relation to another. Maybe muscle, not really muscle, too small to do work... Why do we even have them in the mix of paraspinal support?

What Do a Runner, 62 Year Old Male with Chronic Foot Pain, and a 93 Year Old Female with a Rotator Cuff Tear Have in Common?

The following 3 brief case studies illustrate the variety in ages, conditions and histories of three individuals receiving Advanced SRA/SRT Treatment Protocols and their relatively universal response to this form of care. These cases also illustrate the primary reason for certification in SRA and SRT evidenced based procedures: predictable, dependable and reproducible outcomes.  

Amazing Thermal Imaging of 5MinuteBack in Action!

5MinuteBack and TrueCore are the culmination of over 15 years of development with over 60 supportive research articles, 10 years of in clinic application and more recently; premise substantiation using FLIR high quality thermographic imaging illustrating the anti-inflammatory and metabolic activation effects of this program. No other spinal stabilization and strengthening program offers such a rich background of diverse supportive evidence.